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WAL encryption configuration (tech preview)

Before turning WAL encryption on, you must first create a principal key for WAL.

Here’s what to do:

  1. Create pg_tde extesion if it is not exists:

    2. Set up the key provider for WAL encryption

    Make sure you have obtained the root certificate for the KMIP server and the keypair for the client. The client key needs permissions to create / read keys on the server. Find the configuration guidelines for the HashiCorp Vault Enterprise KMIP Secrets Engine.

    For testing purposes, you can use the PyKMIP server which enables you to set up required certificates. To use a real KMIP server, make sure to obtain the valid certificates issued by the key management appliance.

    SELECT pg_tde_add_global_key_provider_kmip('provider-name','kmip-addr', 5696, '/path_to/server_certificate.pem', '/path_to/client_key.pem');


    • provider-name is the name of the provider. You can specify any name, it’s for you to identify the provider.
    • kmip-addr is the IP address of a domain name of the KMIP server
    • port is the port to communicate with the KMIP server. Typically used port is 5696.
    • server-certificate is the path to the certificate file for the KMIP server.
    • client key is the path to the client key.

    Warning: This example is for testing purposes only:

    SELECT pg_tde_add_key_global_provider_kmip('kmip','', 5696, '/tmp/server_certificate.pem', '/tmp/client_key_jane_doe.pem');
    SELECT pg_tde_add_global_key_provider_vault_v2('provider-name', 'secret_token', 'url', 'mount', 'ca_path');


    • provider-name is the name you define for the key provider
    • url is the URL of the Vault server
    • mount is the mount point where the keyring should store the keys
    • secret_token is an access token with read and write access to the above mount point
    • [optional] ca_path is the path of the CA file used for SSL verification

    This setup is intended for development and stores the keys unencrypted in the specified data file.

    SELECT pg_tde_add_global_key_provider_file('provider-name','/path/to/the/keyring/data.file');
  2. Create principal key

    SELECT pg_tde_set_server_principal_key('principal-key', 'provider-name');
  3. Enable WAL level encryption using the ALTER SYSTEM command. You need the privileges of the superuser to run this command:

    ALTER SYSTEM SET pg_tde.wal_encrypt = on;
  4. Restart the server to apply the changes.

    • On Debian and Ubuntu:
    sudo systemctl restart postgresql
    • On RHEL and derivatives
    sudo systemctl restart postgresql-17

Now WAL files start to be encrypted for both encrypted and unencrypted tables.

Next steps

Test TDE